
The Killing Floor's newest member: James Perez (2nd Guitar and backing Vocals)

(James Perez has joined the Killing Floor as their second guitarist)

We're definitely gonna have a heavier sound, but those are not my intentions for The Killing Floor.

I had five guitar players in mind to ask for the audition, that would compliment The Killing Floor's sound and not turning into a guitar dueling completion.

James was the first, I ask to join as a member, only because of his Latin style of playing and plus he plays and loves Gibson Les Pauls...lol He's a great guitar player, singer, musician and he even fronted his band Karnaval. The collaboration between the two of us for the future will be intense, interesting and an experience.

~Juan Carlos


Anonymous said...

I had the pleasure of collaborating with James back in the mid 80's We had a melodic edgy rock sound! I'm sure he will make your audience broader! Best of luck! Eddie Narvaez Rio Grande Valley, Texas.

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I liked it.

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