
What guitar scales mimic speech??

fr: The Killing Floor Yahoo Groups 10-13-05

IMHO There's actually no scale involved to try or mimic a human voice... When we speak a conversation we don't sing to try to be musical or in harmony, well at least not most of us, we just speak. If you where to record and analyze human speech or yours for that matter. You'll hear when you speak that there are not many notes and range to be musical... Every one's speech does have note value... Some of us have a deep low voice notes and some high a screechy notes and most of us are in between... Here's different ways of doing it... I'm sure there's lots more but I'll keep it simple...

1st. DO NOT think of scales, keys or patterns... Just follow the note(s) speech of your conversation with your instrument... It can be tricky because your mind will try and make your conversation musical. I would have someone record me for about a minute, while not aware is a plus, and then find the notes... Each syllables (did I spell that right?) and words will have a note value.

2nd Express voice sounds through playing your guitar. People will read your mute lip sync words and know what you are saying while your guitar, at full blaze volume, is filling in the sounds of what would be coming out of your mouth.
This is a fav of mine...

3rd. Sing in unison to match your guitar solo as one... For the more advance: Harmonize the notes played on your guitar... Now this one you are thinking of keys, scales, patterns, timing, Well I do anyways. I've sung and match my solos and again very tricky. You have to anticipate the note(s) and timing like second nature to pull this off... If you second guess yourself... You will be out of key on either or... This cannot be done too fast or it'll sound bad...

That's my analogy... Hopefully it wasn't too confusing...

1 comment:

jcmexperience said...
