
JCM on Bass w/Double Clutch second stage @ Judas Priest & Queensryche Concert in SA. (Pt.II)

(That's me jamming away at the Verizon... Thanks to Brian Driscoll for taking that shot)

(Matt, JP personal bus driver and Spider Mike... I wish I was in the photo but who would then take the picture.)

( Double Clutch doing a sound check... My digi-camera is not very good as the pics came out dark)

(Andrew... He's helps set up lots of big name concerts is San Antonio to Houston... Very cool guy to hang out with.... Lots of stories and very funny ones too...)

(Setting up the gear... You can barely see Matt. He kinda blends in with my amps behind him)

(The pic was taken around 3:00pm or so... It's a nice small B-stage setup.)

What the heck...

The first hour and 45 minutes of the show went well... Some people didn't know what to make of DC and some enjoyed the groove and Spider Mike's comments and some just didn't care... I saw lot off a miliar faces one been Brian, a real good friend of mine, was nice enough to take my camera and take pictures... Which I will post here only...

The Ladies...

After the break and show we did run into a couple ladies that let us know they were strippers, and invited us with passes to some new location that had just opened somewhere in Selma or SA 1604 and IH35 I guess that is Selma... I was flattered shook there hands and I ask how they liked the show... Very kick ass was there response... Their manager guy/man/dude that accompanying them was really pushing this new place and was very polite in inviting... There enough of the PR/mingling off I went to get some thing to eat...Matt and Mike beat me been there already and only had an hour or so to take advantage of the free chicken fried steak with the awesome sides... as Spider Mike would say.... yyyeee hhhaawww!!!Sitting there...Queensyche did kick some ass... I saw some of the show through a TV monitor that was broadcasting it there as we were there... Geoff Tate gained some weight but man he can sing... His voice as strong, and vibrant as ever... I recognized all four original members except Chris DeGarmo. His replacement looked like he came out of a Madmax movie... Very different but he hit all the notes just like Chris would... Soo hats off to that guitarist... Which I don't know his name... enough for now...more to come.... JCM

1 comment:

starbender said...

The pics are Great! Sounds like you guys have alot of fun! :)