I was going over Rowans SA Rocks, just looking at the archives and stuff. This is from her review on July 8 when we first met up...
Jack, we miss you! Get your behind *behind* the drums. As the boys would say, YOU OWN.
The Killing Floor put on a great show. All four members are excellent musicians. Larry Rimes on percussion, with a great bongo and conga setup, also providing backing harmonies. Then the two showmen of the group, Jack Trevino on drums and JCM on guitar and lead vocals. Trevino really knows his way around a drum kit...and I mean AROUND. When he does a drum solo, he's not just back behind his drums pounding away, he's up and all around his set, using every bit of hardware on his drums to get different sounds and effects, even standing up on the front of the drums to play.
Yup, that's my fave pic from that night at Bottom's Up! LOL!!
Mr. Trevino will be performing two songs September 10th at Rock City Bar!
We might see the moon again...
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