
The Rimes Brothers!

Jack Trevino & Larry Rimes at The GOC, Spring Branch , Tx: Sept. 27, 2008

Tom Rimes on Sax

I'm in debt with gratitude to the Rimes brothers, Larry and Tom, more later on why...

But first, on a post here back in early 2008 "Talk is Cheap", I had express anger towards Larry on how he departed from The Killing Floor. Yes, I was pissed, hurt and confused and just needed time to vent and make sense as to why...

I started to capitalize more of the good times playing together and Larry had always wanted to have more vocal duties than just being a backup singer. So I did understand and realized his departure. It was now his time for growth and blossoming to front projects and make his dreams happen on his terms. So his bold move to move-on was not in-vain. Two-three weeks later after I wrote "Talk is Cheap" I called Larry and gave him my blessings and we talked and let everything out of the bag and we both knew too well that friendship and forgiveness is divine.

Im so proud of him and Tom for keeping that spark of making music alive. Both started a small low volume, low key, jazz project playing Starbucks with just congas & sax with singing to a full-blown jazz band and gigging everywhere. The latest, I've heard is Larry and Tom have now started a classic rock/blues band call NATIVE SOUL and make no mistake to assume that we are not going to play together because we ARE!!!...haha...

To Larry and Tom, much love my brothers... Keep fueling the fire of your dreams... ~Juan Carlos

Gonzales Thunder Rally, October 10th 2008.

(L to R: Jango, ~Juan Carlos, Jack and Larry Oct 10th 2008, Gonzales Tx, Pic: Joel Ryan)

Gonzales Thunder Rally to us, was a awesome experience... We played at the pavilion at around 2pm to 3pm. We were then asked to play the main stage at 7:00pm with Axe and Great White to close the night. We had a blast and I know things didn't pan out as expected during those three days. But we left with such wonderful experience and memories.

What I didn't like:
It was just amazing how this particular band acted so pre-Madonna when the event didn't proceed as expected and yet, they claim to have such high caliber status. I witness maybe two people cheer them on and yes I mean their girl friends... I would have been impress if they would have guarantee at least fifty people at any given time and place. That would have been impressive and something to brag about.

It can be such a cut-throat business this music biz thing... I felt helpless to a friend that I so much respect and admire. But we are musical warriors and all we can do is get up and brush off the dirt and proceed on with the fight the good fight. God bless you Ben (Electric Ocean), we love you man!! ~Juan Carlos

David Garza back on bass!

(David Garza on Bass 02-21-09: pic: Joel Ryan)

I never saw this one coming in 2009! Haha... Great to have David Garza back on bass for The KIlling Floor... It feels like he had never left the band. But before we played a single note, we worked out our differences and talk about all the bullshit he and I hated about each other and why things happen they way they did back in July 2005. I've gone through a few bassplayers and no-one could really match David's playing' note-per-note. So you know it was a real teat to hear the songs sound just like the "La Danza Macabra" CD. Not to take away anyting from Miggs and Jango as bassplayers, they both pulled me out of a real bad bind at two different times and both perform with a fearless heart. ~Juan Carlos


Happy Birthday Jack!!

Today is Jack Trevino's Birthday Day...
We have so many more years of music to produce brother. Thank you for believing in me. You're the only one that has put up with my sh*t the longest...lol

That's why you have a special place in my heart f**ker...

~Juan Carlos