
Here's a glimpse of a quarter.

(Glimpse of a Quarter)

Four new tracks at Myspace:


All right here are four tracks and a glimpse off the new CD. Please make note that these four tacks have not yet been tweaked or mastered and this is only a quarter of the music. This is the first phase of mixing and I already hear couple of things that need attention.

I did not anticipate the whole recording and release of it to have taken this long and for that reason I decided to share the sounds. I hope you enjoyed them for blood, sweat, tears and some of my sanity was lost during the making of it and in which it's not over yet... ~JCM


The Killing Floor CD... Still mixing...

(This Yamaha LLX6 DN Dave Navarro Model was used for some of the acoustic sounds you'll hear on CD.)

Here's the latest on The Killing Floor's new CD...

Well... we have mixed four songs total as of today and tomorrow I'll hit it again...

(4-6-06)- Mixing... (10:00am - 4:00pm)

1.All I Dreamed To Do
2.Manic Depression


All I Dreamed To Do: Took the most time mixing that day... Bring out the backing vocals and effects on lower voice over dubs with main vocal tracks. Just paying attention to details. The rhythms guitars are the main focus on this song... Solos were short and sweet and bass and drums are thunderous. This tunes is an all out Rock N' Roll song.

Manic Depression: This one has one track guitar with noise and all. Drum feature here!! This has the Hendrix vibe with The Killing Floor signature sound all over. Grit with lots of twang and feedback sustains notes. Long Live Jimi!!!

(Peter Carey of Rhythm Room Studios)

(4-11-06)- Mixing... (10:30am - 6:00pm)

3.It's Not Me
This one took about five hours to mix... There's soo many instrument tracks going on here. Backing vocals by Dave and Larry are superb... What took time here was EQing and balancing the right mix for the backing vocals without sounding too brassy. On another note... Live, this is one of the few songs that I do use heavy delay. So finding the right delay repeats value to match what I do live took some time also. This one I hold very dear to my heart. This is the sad and very dark ballet track.

4.Devil's Alley (Changed the title from Satan's Alley)
AAAhhh yes!! Twang surfy tones of the beach meets the crunch and the roar of a lion. Did I paint a pretty picture?? lol
There lots of guitars going back and forth on this instrumental. It was a blast to mix. I never intended to add this tune to the CD but now I'm glad that we did. We very rarely performed this number live because we have other tunes in the key of E that we jam and improvised all over the place.

I notice that Peter titled it Devil's Alley by mistake... I kinda liked the way it looked written and plus it paints a better picture. So I changed the title of the song from Satan's Alley to Devils' Alley. It also sounds good for a CD title too... Mmm maybe I used that... will see...

(4-13-06) (10:00am - ??) Mixing TOMORROW!

I don't know what song we will start mixing next... I'll know when I get there... ~JCM


SA Rocks Anniversary Party!

Don't forget! SA Rocks Anniversary Party Friday April 28th at the Elbow Room on Austin Hwy starting at 9:00pm with live blues and rock from The Killing Floor and Texas Special!