
October 15 details from JCM

On October the 15th I'm planning on having Jack and Jacob doing the
drum duties at the same time for that night... I will need to get with
Garbage and work out the mic situation... It's a first for TKF and we
will start to rehearse Tuesday and plan out this DRUM EXTRAVAGANZA
feature for the October...

Double Clutch will open up w/yours truly (me) on a 12 string bass and
Vatos Locos from Houston right afterwards... I just got an email from
the Vatos Locos camp and they are pumped and ready. They seemed like a
great bunch of guys to hang out with also... Some of the members of
Amplifyd will also join in on a jam and Spider Mike and I will be
performing and dueling it out on guitar also... It will be a night to
experience as always... JCM




The next Rock City gig includes the one and only TKF, Vatos Locos and Double Clutch!!! See flyer or website for details.


Rock City Bar Pics

Here are some pics from Rock City Bar with Amplifyd.


JCM of The Killing FloorJCM

The Killing Floor at Rock CityTKF with Jack Back in Action

Jacob on the CongaJacob on the Conga

TKF Amplifyd JamTKF/Amplifyd Jam

Great show! - Rowan (SA Rocks)


The Killing Floor will be performing with a new temporary drummer JacobGarcia... Jacob you are to total pro... Jack Trevino (original Drummer) had carpe tunnel surgery and is recovering... Jack will be performingtwo songs with TKF... Both of you guys have been awesome and thank youfor hanging in there during these hard times... This one is for you too Matt Wicks...Amplifyd, awesome blues rock band from SA, will start at around 9:30pm.I've been meaning to catch these guys for a while and what a totalhonor to have them play with us on the same bill... You guys rule!!!There will be no cover charge but if there is $2-3 at the door...I'll see you there... JCM


BIG gig for TKF - Rock City Bar at 115 General Krueger

The Killing Floor, who have been on a short haitus after replacing their bassist with Matt Wicks (stepping up to the plate like the pro that he is), and following TKF's drummer Jack Trevino's Carpel Tunnel surgery/recovery.

Sat., September 10th will bring everyone back together for a show at ROCK CITY BAR, with a 2nd band, Amplified; both bands compliment each other so very well, making for an unforgettable show...(It will be very cool to have a 2-band slot at the club, rather than 4!)

The band is celebrating, as well they should; Mr. Trevino is healing so well that he'll be gracing us with a couple of songs, with Martin taking good care of the skins in the interium.

Showtime is 9:30pm, and we would love to see our extended-family and fans on this most special gig.

